Monday, July 4, 2011

The ugly before the beauty.

In preparation before vacation, I have a bunch of beauty related things to do.  I have to get my eyebrows threaded, I have a hair appointment for a much needed summer cut, and I'll be getting a mani/pedi done to ensure that my feet don't look terrible in flip flops and that my hands are pretty to look at.  Looking at that list just exictes me because I know how beautiful I will feel afterwards.  The key word there is "afterwords".

Since I don't want to get any of these things done too early due to hair growing out and nail polish chipping, I'm waiting until the last few days before I leave to start my beautifying process.  In the mean time though, I feel like a grizzly, freakish toed, slob.  I'm literally walking around with the thoughts in my head when people look at me like, "Yeah, I know my eyebrows are looking scraggly, don't judge!" or "Stop looking at my toes, I already know I shouldn't be wearing my flip flops yet!".  As for my hair, don't get me started.  It's not super long, but I have those natural waves in my hair and unless I take the time to blowdry or flat iron it straight, they give my hair this puffy uneven look.  And let's face it, it's too hot to have a hot blowdryer being pointed at my head for almost 30 minutes.  My hair is crazy I tell you!  So, ponytails have been my best friend until I get my hair cut.  I think my fingernails are the only one that don't bother be pre-mani.  My nails are a little uneven, but that's nothing a file can't take care of.

It's funny all the things us women will do to prepare ourselves to be beautiful for specific occasions or events.  I find it even funnier what we go through to look beautiful.  Let's face it, being threaded or waxed isn't exactly a pleasant feeling.  It's not terrible pain by any means, but it's not pleasant either.

I know that there are many women who say that they don't care what people think, but I think they do.  I'm one of the first people to usually not care what other people think because most of the people you come across you will probably never meet again, but when I'm going somewhere that's familiar, I think I definitely care about what other people think.  It's like there's the fear that I have to make a good impression on someone that doesn't need impressing.  Maybe that's the typical mindset of many women and that's why we put ourselves through these beauty processes.  One is so that we feel pretty, but I honestly believe the other is to impress those around us.  No matter how much some of us may not care what other people think, maybe deep down we're all a little vain, huh?

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