Saturday, July 2, 2011

New obsession meets old.

For anyone that knows me, they know I'm heavily into having this morbid facination with murders.  No, I don't condone what they do, but for many years I've been into the whole criminal justice thing.  I mean, I did get my Bachelor's degree in it after all.  The whole concept of the system facinates me, but it seems like the crime that keeps me the most facinated is homicide.  It's like it's interesting to try to get in the minds of these sick assholes.

I've been reading true crime books about murders and serial killers for years.  Hell, I even wrote a long research paper on Ted Bundy when I was in college.  Currently my favorite true crime author is Ann Rule.  Not only is she an amazing author, but she's exceptionally detailed on every aspect of the cases she writes about.  You can almost mentally picture the crime scene, the courtroom, the whole story is just vivid.  Not to mention, she mentions things in gruesome detail, which I happen to enjoy.  Call me sick if you will, but it's a facination of mine.

Maybe I find the whole concept of murders interesting because my dream job is to be a detective in a homicide unit of a police department.  Maybe that's why I have this twisted facination with reading up on real life killers from the past.  Maybe that's also why I like gruesome and gorey details in the books I read, because if I ever work my dream job, I need to mentally be prepared for things my eyes could never imagine seeing.

So, now that you all know of my past/current morbid interest, let me introduce you to my new interest/obsession.  It's the show "Dexter".  I've had numerous people tell me that because of my whole interest and dream job, that I should check this show out.  Well, I don't have Showtime (I know, I'm old school), so I never bothered watching it.  Then my boyfriend got the seasons of the show for me and within about 3 weeks, I've gotten through the first 4 seasons of the show and I am hooked beyond belief.  I only have one more season to go before I'm caught up with those who have been watching it for years.

For anyone not familiar with this show, it's about a guy who is a serial killer that only kills other murders and serial killers.  Almost like a hero to the victims of these sick bastards; however, no one can know this is who he is because, well let's face it, murder is illegal regardless of who it is.  This show seriously is my new obsession and I think I'm going to be sad when I'm up to date and have to wait months for the new season to start.

My old sick morbid interest has been peeked in a new direction, only this time, for the first time, in the fictional direction.  This is a new concept for me; however, it's one that I think I can happily add to my list of twisted interests.

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