Thursday, May 5, 2011

Keep the energy coming!

I wake up this morning at 5:45 am.  My eyes are barely open, but I know that I need to get my butt in gear.  I force myself out of bed because I know if I lay there, I will only re-close my eyes and go right back to sleep.  I get my yoga mat laid down, get the DVD player going, and I get in my yoga workout this morning.  I feel amazing now and I'm beyond ready to start my day.

This is the feeling I get every morning when I workout before work, but most of the time I just can't get myself to do.  I end up pushing it off until after work when all I want to do is go into veg mode.  You would think that amazing feeling I have after my morning workout that carries throught the entire day would be enough to get me to do it every morning, but my body just likes to do what it wants and ignores what my brain tells it to do.

Speaking of working out, I'm trying to get myself in gear to start running.  This coming from me is a shock since all my life I've hated running.  I was always that kid that dreaded gym class in school when it was that time of the year when running was the main workout/sport.  Oh, how I dreaded it more than exams in my other classes.  Unfortunately though, as an adult, I have resposibilities and I've got physical's to pass for my future career which running is a big part of.  So, I'm going to attempt this C25K thing that has been the discussion on so many weightloss message boards.  I think I'm willing to give it a try.  I've been trying to get my boyfriend to do it with me, but everytime he agrees to do it with me, he pushes it off another day.  I'm going to take the hint that he's not interested in running.  No problem.  I can relate to that, trust me.  I will do it on my own.  I'm an independent person.  I just wish my iPod was working so I had some music to go with the run.  Regardless though, I will tough through it.  Maybe I'll start fresh next week.  I will keep you updated!

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