Saturday, May 14, 2011

Take my money...please!

I've come to the conclusion that stores like Target and Walmart were started by brilliant people.  You can't walk into these stores with the plan to pick up one or two things you need and then walk out with just those items.  Not happening!  When you walk into these stores, you walk out with exactly what you need and only like ten other items.  I'll go there with the intention to buy shampoo and conditioner, but I come out also with a candle, a cute shirt on sale, maybe some yoga pants, some snacks, a lint roller, a DVD season of a show I like and who knows what else.

Maybe I'm a sucker for shopping.  I mean, I am a female so it's sort of in my blood to shop, but these stores seriously suck me in beyond belief.  It's like I can get all my bare essentials and then just about anything else I happen to come across that would be nice to have "just in case".  It's like money isn't an object in these stores.  I just grab and grab until I have a basket full of misc crap.

I know I'm nowhere near the only person that does this in these stores.  In fact, I can bet MOST people do this in these stores, which is why the people who came up with the idea of stores like Target and Walmart are brilliant...and rich.  With that said, Mr. Target or Mr. Walmart, can I borrow $4 for lip gloss I found in your store?

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