Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Carbs are the devil!

I know it's been awhile since I posted, but I've been busy.  With the weather finally getting nicer, and some days even Summer-like, I've been trying to not revolve my life around the computer as much.  Today, however, although the weather was amazing, I had to get some of my thoughts out there in hopes that it will keep me accountable.

After realizing that no matter how much I change up my workout (I just finished week 4 of C25K by the way), I seem to be stuck in a constant plateau.  I've been at the same 41 pounds lost for about a month and a half now.  It's really getting frustrating.  I tried going from a combo of cardio and strength training to just strength training, then to just cardio and it seems like regardless of my exercise combo, I'm still stuck at the same 41 pounds lost (give or take a pound that seems to fluctuate).  It's really putting a damper on my weight loss progress and my overall motivation to keep going.  I'm someone that once my motivation is lost, it takes a LOOOONG time for me to get that motivation back, so that's the last thing I want to lose.  With that said, I'm refusing to lose it if all possible.

I was thinking about what I could do to change my routine that could get me out of this terrible plateau.  Since changing up my workout isn't making a difference currently, I figured I have to move onto my eating habits.  Although I overall eat pretty healthy, I do throw in some unhealthy things here and there (sometimes more often than I should).  It hasn't been a hinderance to my weight loss progress up until I hit this plateau, but I figured there is always room for change.

I watched an episode of "The Dr. Oz Show" when I was working from home one day a couple weeks ago about carbs being the new cocaine (there are 5 parts to that video I linked if interested) and I couldn't believe how much sense it made.  After watching that episode, I started to look at my meals and snacks over the course of the past couple weeks and I've noticed I'm seriously a carb-aholic.  I decided that the carbs have to go!  They don't have to go completely since our bodies run on carbs in many ways, but I definitely need to cut down...A LOT.

I didn't realize how many carbs (good and bad) I take in on a daily basis.  I eat everything from breads to pastas, potatoes, rice to low-fat potato chips, breakfast bars, cereal, oatmeal, etc.  It's ridiculous!  Some of those meals and snacks can definitely be changed to reduce my carb intake a lot, but I never really thought of it as a problem since lots of my carb intake were healthier options.  I try to stick with whole grains when it comes to breads, pasta, and rice, but I'm definitely guilty of having the unhealthy carbs outweigh the healthy carb options and also have carbs as part of a meal when it's not necessary.  I don't need low-fat potato chips with my sandwich at lunch.  I could have a lettuce wrap with a side of hummus and veggies.  I love hummus, veggies, and lettuce wraps, but I don't make that choice, I choose the carby direction.  It's like I love the taste of the healthier options, but my body still chooses the unhealthy or carb-heavy options.

To get myself even more into the mindset of reducing my carb intake, I've re-read the South Beach Diet books I have.  I don't plan on following that diet specifically, but I do plan on using it as my mindset and guide for some low-carb/healthy-carb options.  Since I don't currently live on my own, I don't do my own grocery shopping (it gets eaten by everyone but me when I do), so I will work with what I got.  There is a diabetic living in the house, so we do have a decent amount of whole-grain and sugar-free options, so it shouldn't be impossible.  I do think I'm capable of this though.  Although I love my carbs, I think I can cut back drastically enough to hopefully break this plateau.  I'm not saying that my carb intake is 100% to blame for my month and a half plateau, but I wouldn't doubt that it is a contributing factor.  I think starting this week I will begin my low-carb journey.  I'm sure I'll struggle in the beginning since I LOVE sweets and carbs, but I will make it work.  My goal was to be another size smaller by the time I leave for my vacation and at this rate my goal won't be reached.  If I can get on track asap, I think I can still have a chance to lose another size in 6 weeks.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.  I will be crossing my fingers and my toes that I have the willpower to stick with this.  I just don't want to lose anymore motivation than I already have because I'm afraid getting it back will be a bigger challenge than reducing my carbs will be for me.  Wish me luck!

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