Monday, August 29, 2011

I have returned to the dark side!

I told myself I was done.  I said I was completely done and I wouldn't spend any sort money anymore to feed my online gaming habit, but instead I hit rock bottom and I returned to the dark side.  I am back to playing WoW (World of Warcraft for my non-gamer peeps out there).  I didn't stop playing originally due to hating the game or anything like that.  I just lost interest and I figured that paying $15/month to play a game off and on that I currently had a lack of interest in seemed like a waste.  So, I cancelled my account and have been doing mostly reading with the occasional TV watching in my free time.

This weekend rolled around and it seemed like everything was telling me to come back to the game.  Some of my old buddies who had quit playing in the past had returned and they have added new features to the game to allow me to have fun with my friends that play on other servers (this is a plus, trust me).  Then when hanging out with some fellow WoW friends this weekend and literally reminiscing about the fun that we all used to have with our friends, guild, and just overall in general, I gave it some thought and decided that I might just give in and start playing again.

This Sunday was what got me to officially give in and rejoin the game.  Sunday I literally had nothing to do.  When I say nothing, I mean....NOTHING.  My cable box is completely broken and I don't have one of those converter boxes, so I have had no form of TV access (normally this wouldn't bother me, but Sunday was BORING as hell).  I didn't have any books to read as I'm all caught up with my current books and I'm trying not to spend money on new ones.  I couldn't think of anything really interesting to do on the internet, so after much thought, I signed onto and reactivated my WoW account.  I have a feeling this won't be a long time thing.  I'm sure I'll stick with it for only a month, maybe two, and then cancel my account again.  For the time being though, it's going to keep me amused in between working and working out.  Yes, my inner geek is giddy, even though I know it's only temporary, but at least it's something to do to keep me from just sleeping (trust me, this is what I would do if I had nothing else to keep me amused).

So, with that said, off to be a gamer geek.

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